Charge them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous and ready to share. 1 Timothy 6:18

Ongoing Mitzvah Projects you can be a part of:

  • Acts of Kindness / Mitzvah Team – Synagogue volunteers provide cheerful visits and meet the physical needs of those who are hospitalized or confined to the home. This mitzvah also includes preparing meals, providing transportation, helping with household chores, running errands, work projects and simple repairs for those who need some assistance around their home.

  • Chevra Kadisha- The Holy Society provides the highest act of gemilut chesed (acts of loving kindness) in that what is done for the deceased can never be repaid. Workers are trained in the procedures of Taharah and Sh'mirah and guided by the principles of k'vod hamet (respect for the dead) and nichum aveilim (consolation of the mourners).

  • New Hope Ministries - Non-perishable food items are accepted through the year for our Food Bank. The Elders and Shamishim oversee the distribution of the food items to individuals who need food. Collected items are also donated to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank for distribution to members in the greater Central Pennsylvania community.

  • Capitol Area Pregnancy CenterThe Sisterhood of Beit HaShem coordinates the collection of funds during the year to assist in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the clients of the Center and their babies.  

  • Brotherhood Mitzvah Team – The Brotherhood coordinates work projects and simple repairs for those who need some help around their home. Team activities include moving furniture, painting, yard work and minor household repairs.


What is a Mitzvah Team?

We're glad you asked that question! The Mitzvah Team is a group pf people who love the L-rd and desire to be active in reaching out to members of the body of Messiah and residents of the local community.

The Team will do projects on an individual, couple, or team basis. Members of the Team will visit the sick, cook for those who need a meal, feed the homeless, help with work day projects, provide rides to services and many other acts of service to members of the community.

The Elders will lead the Mitzvah Team. Individuals who know of any needs or projects may contact the Elders to make them aware of the needs. The Elders will review the needs in the congregation and in the community and will coordinate the efforts of Team members.

Any member of the congregation is welcome to join. Youth under the age of 13 may participate when accompanied by one or both parents.

Do you want to join the Mitzvah Team and be a blessing to others? Call one of the Elders today. that those who have put their trust in G-d may apply themselves to doing good deeds. These are both good in themselves and valuable to the community. 1 Titus 3:8

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